Thursday, January 19, 2012

Homework for Day 2, Jan. 26th: 5-Paragraph Essay

Dear all,

This will be your first "real" post: Please post your opinion about the 5-paragraph essay!!!

You can talk about your experiences with it in grade school/middle school/high school, what you think about it (the good, bad, and ugly), whether you would use it when teaching and why/why not, etc.

Your post should be insightful and about 500 words long.

Welcome & Intro

Hi future teachers,

Welcome to ENGL485a!!!

Those who survived grammar300 with me will know that we always have a class blog :)
Here, you are going to post your opinions about different education-related articles we will read during this semester.

When I grade your blogs, I will pay attention to content, critical thinking, AND grammar/mechanics! Your comments about research articles we have read should be mini essays of about 500+ words. Our first blog is easy:

Please post a short introduction to yourself (who you are, why you want to be a teacher, if you have previous teaching/tutoring experiences, your hobbies, your favorite grade levels, etc.). This post only needs to be 100-250 words long. Please sign into this blog (on the top right) with your signin and password (see your syllabus!), and post your response as COMMENT at the bottom of this thread.